MGA Superintendents Revenge 9.28.19 2019-09-28



MGA Superintendents Revenge 9.28.19 for 2019-09-28

Time:                        8:00am Shotgun
Cost:                         $40 entry fee
Format:                   1 of 2 Net Best Ball
                     The Golf course is set up with extremely difficult hole locations on all holes
Teams:                        2-person teams
Handicaps:                Players will receive 100% of their individual course handicap
Posting:                      Players scores will not be posted due to the difficulty of the golf course                  
Tees:                           Blue or Gold Tees (Teammates must be playing same set of tees)
Flights:                       Blue & Gold Flights
                                   Flights within the Blue & Gold Flights created to ensure fairness
        (Lower hcp players more likely to shoot closer to their handicap with course set-up)
Deadline:                   Thursday, May 10th
Carts:                          Optional
Payout:                       Golf Shop Credit
Committee:                Reserves the right to adjust handicaps
NOTES:                      Summer members welcome, provided they have valid USGA index

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